Determine your app’s Elasticsearch version
February 2, 2018
I often find myself searching for our Rails app’s Elasticsearch version. The exact Elasticsearch version is important as Elasticsearch’s API differs slightly from version to version.
If you’d like to quickly determine the version of your Elasticsearch instance, here’s how you can do it.
Open a rails console
bundle exec rails production console
If your Rails app uses the elasticsearch-model gem, run
version =["version"]["number"]
puts version
If your Rails app uses the tire gem, run
response = Tire::Configuration.client.get(Tire::Configuration.url)version = JSON.parse(response.body)
puts version
Alternatively, if you’ve SSH access to your Elasticsearch server or have SSH access from where you can reach Elasticsearch’s API, SSH in and hit Elasticsearch’s API
curl --silent -XGET http://localhost:9200 | python -c "import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)['version']['number']"
As I mentioned earlier, Elasticsearch’s API differs from version to version. If you’re on MacOS, I found the Dash app to be very useful to quickly browse documentation of a specific Elasticsearch version.